Overall, Lade's work at Microsoft underscores her commitment to fostering a more inclusive and equitable workplace and community. Her efforts have likely contributed to Microsoft's broader goals of diversity, equity, and social responsibility.

Consulting Senior Executives

Her role in consulting senior-level executives suggests that Lade has been instrumental in advising top leadership on diversity and inclusion matters. This could involve providing insights, data, and recommendations to help shape the company's diversity and inclusion strategy.

Advocacy for Inclusion

Lade has been a strong advocate for inclusion within the company. This likely involves promoting diversity in hiring, ensuring equal opportunities for all employees, and fostering a culture of inclusion where everyone's voice is heard and valued.

Onboarding Diverse Talent

Lade's involvement in onboarding and training diverse talent implies that she has played a key role in ensuring that new employees from various backgrounds receive the necessary support and training to succeed at Microsoft. This can be crucial in retaining a diverse workforce.

Efficient Program Management

Lade has managed programs focused on equity and social impact. These programs address social issues and promote fairness and equity both within the company and in the broader community. Such programs include partnerships with community organizations, and efforts to reduce disparities.

Leadership in Inclusion Efforts

Lade's leadership role indicates that she has not only advocated for inclusion but has also taken the lead in implementing inclusion initiatives within Microsoft. This includes developing programs to promote DEI across the enterprise.